Boston CFT: Days 2 & 3
Since I was exhausted after a long day of visiting companies yesterday and way too tired to blog, I've decided to condense Days 2 and 3 into one mega-post. Enjoy!
Day 2:
The day started off much like the first: very beautiful (and cold, but definitely manageable). We began by heading to the downtown offices of Boston Consulting Group, which offered a breathtaking view over Boston. As soon as we walked inside, we immediately crowded around the window. Several solid minutes of picture-taking commenced. Eventually, we took our seats and began to learn about BCG.
We had the opportunity to talk to six associates at BCG. They were extremely open about the company, so it was nice to talk to them about work-life balance, travel, staffing, and what it means to be a consultant. Pretty much everyone there boasted about the opportunities available during and after consulting. Our group left with a solid understanding of BCG and what it would be like to work there.
Afterwards, we traveled a short distance to the offices of THL Partners, a Boston-based private equity firm. They served us a delicious lunch of pasta and salad, and it was nice to sit around a table with several of their associates while we ate and talked about private equity. I think it's safe to say that most if not all of us entered the visit with a pretty hazy idea of what PE actually is, but they were gracious enough to answer all of our questions. Thanks, THL, for a great and relaxing visit!
Here's a picture of us at the THL offices. Shout out to the very nice receptionist who took our photo. Even if she had no idea what we were doing with our hands.
We finished up our visits for the day with a trip to Gillette Headquarters. Some of us were hoping to get some details on the next big razor release, but no such luck. They were very happy to tell us about the history of Gillette and how they come up with some of their ideas, but when it came to R&D secrets, their lips were tightly sealed (and for good reason). Gilllette is owned by Proctor & Gamble, one of the largest companies in the world. It's staggering how many companies fall under the P&G umbrella. One of the guys there went from working on diapers to designing razors, all while staying within P&G. Definitely very cool.
After a long and exciting day of visiting companies, it was nice to kick back with some BHP alumni at the annual CFT Alumni dinner. We met at an Italian restaurant called La Famiglia Giorgio's in the North End, where we chatted with alumni who ran the gamut from consultants and law school students to a doctor and an artist. We talked late into the night, asking them questions about their careers, life in Boston, and how they cope with the cold. It was an awesome way to end Day 2.
Day 3:
We started off the day in Cambridge with a tour of Harvard Law School, led by BHP alum Bhargav Srinivasan. It was cool to get an inside perspective on one of the most prestigious law schools in the country, especially from somebody with a past experience similar to our own. Bhargav was an excellent tour guide, and showed us all around the popular haunts of HLS. For those from our group who are thinking about law school, it was an excellent introduction to the opportunities that are out there.
That's Bhargav in the yellow jacket. He had some great law school horror stories that were a lot of fun to listen to.
Ridiculously photogenic Ben in the middle of a crowd.
Harvard's main building.
Next we traveled back across the river to visit Harvard Business School. The B-school students definitely are treated way better than law school students. For one, grades basically don't matter. Plus, they get their own rooms on campus (HLS students have to share rooms). I think pretty much all of us fell in love with the open, collaborative feel of the buildings and the innovative atmosphere. Plus, the snow started to pick up in the middle of our tour. By the time it was over, the snow was coming down pretty hard, and we all jumped at the chance to enjoy this foreign substance.
Then again, some of us were less enthused.
After the tour was over, everyone split up for free time. That's when the snow really began to come down. The winds really picked up, blowing the snow directly into our faces as we traipsed through Boston. Most of us enjoyed the amazing food that Boston has to offer while we explored. Of course, there was the occasional snowball fight. By the end of the night, practically everyone was covered in a fine layer of powder.
That's about it for Day 3. Keep an eye out for a recap blog post later on in the week. For now, fingers crossed that we don't get snowed in. Boston, it's been great! Thanks to all the companies and alumni who have made this trip a huge success!