Honors Business Association

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CBHP Freshmen Adjusting to Campus

Written by Rashi Lakhotia and Maddie Wueste

After being on campus for a month, the BHP freshmen have started getting acclimated to life at UT. On Labor Day weekend, freshmen went to the BHP Leadership Kickoff and had a blast meeting new people!


It’s evident that the BHP community aspect has quickly formed. Freshman Michelle Nyugen stated that her “favorite part of BHP has been how supportive and encouraging the professors and advisors have been.” She feels like her professors genuinely care about her success and the upperclassmen are incredibly supportive and helpful. 

Freshman Hemant Kanwar emphasized this when he discussed the BHP Kickoff, stating “I'm really glad to be a part of the supportive BHP community - including the entire community at the Leadership Kickoff at the Newcombe Ranch over Labor Day weekend - and making new friends outside of my direct program cohort!” We can’t help but agree with them!

Difficulties Adjusting to College

However, going into college can be an incredibly stressful and crazy time, as demonstrated by Kanwar who stated, “The most challenging part of adjusting to college life in general for me has been the lack of a rigorous schedule… With fewer classes during discontinuous hours in the day, I have had to find ways to fill the time so that I don't get distracted easily and waste valuable time…” 

Freshman Cassandra Guzman agrees, stating “The most challenging part to adjusting to UT has been the time management. Having to manage LHB, classes, studying, and going out has been a lot more difficult than expected, even though there is a lot more free time in college than high school. It’s been hard trying to balance and have enough time to do everything I need to do, along with the things I want to do.” To help out with this adjustment period, there are some tips at the bottom of this blog to assist freshmen in settling into college life!

Looking Forward

Though college has been a difficult adjustment for many people, these freshmen are looking forward to the next few years on the 40 Acres. Nyugen stated, “I’m most looking forward to getting to know the upperclassmen better. I feel like I have so much to learn from them.” BHP’s cohort model emphasizes the importance of mentorship, and a great way to get to know the upperclassmen better is to reach out to your peer mentors. 

Guzman reflected this, stating “I’m most looking forward to the opportunities in BHP! Not just networking opportunities, but also the opportunities to make good friendships throughout the years.” Looking at the great memories already made, we’re confident that there’s going to be no issues making friends in the BHP community.

Tips for Adjusting to Campus

Don’t skip class! Skipping class is a slippery slope because once you do it once, it’s easy to justify doing it again. It may be difficult, but do your best to attend all of your classes.

  • Take care of your mental health and eat properly. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed beginning college, but there are many resources on campus to help you. Check out the Mccombs Counseling and Mental Health Center or discuss your feelings with a trusted friend. Other great ways to take care of your mental health are to go on walks, journal regularly, and meditate!

  • Make sure you eat properly! Skipping meals is a slippery slope, and if you find yourself falling into this pattern, one tip is to schedule meal times on your calendar to make sure you have time to eat.

  • Use the resources on campus that you pay for! We’re sure you’ve heard of the Sanger Writing Center, but your tuition also pays for the movies on the lawn and the recitals at the Bates Recital Hall. Check out other fun, free activities that UT hosts for students!

  • Find good study spots (besides PCL). Some of the BHP freshmen’s favorites are the UT Tower, the EER, FAC, and the Natural Sciences Library.

  • Finally, as you begin your four-year planning, take classes that you want to do! College is the best time to learn something new, so register for intermediate karate or pottery classes if you want to take them! Don’t limit yourself to classes just from your major.

Looking for more tips? We recommend these sources:

Thank you for reading!

Cassandra Guzman Hermant Kanwar Michelle Nguyen